Cultivating Creative Congregations

For Future Generations of the Church



“The creative, life-sustaining energy of God. Hebrew word for the Holy Spirit, used to signify God’s active but unseen work of recreation, renewal, and restoration.”

We believe that creating and engaging with beauty is an essential component of Christian worship, devotion, and discipleship.

One of our top priorities at Ruakh Arts is training and equipping artists. We long to see them use their gifts as a means of glimpsing God’s beautiful vision for our world by inspiring us to recognize God’s creative, life-sustaining energy (his Ruakh) in and around us.

Many church leaders can benefit from a greater capacity to imagine how the arts can help people connect more deeply with God, Scripture, and one another.

At Ruakh Arts, church leaders learn how to care for and better utilize artists, explore new artistic forms in the context of worship, and are ultimately equipped to use diverse arts to foster thriving multigenerational congregations.

Richmond Worship Arts Fellowship

This nine-month fellowship in Richmond Virginia is the heart and soul of our mission and vision at Ruakh Arts. Through it, we hope to equip Christian artists and Church leaders to cultivate creative and thriving congregations in which God’s Ruakh (creative, life-giving Spirit) convicts and empowers us all to embody the active love of Christ

Stay connected and partner with us in our work to cultivate creative congregations for future generations of the Church